
What we do

ITD-Lab is a spin-off of the University of Camerino focused on the development of innovative pharmaceutical formulations for specific pathologies through the development of research methodologies and the validation of preclinical models and in the development of carefully selected compounds and the final commercialization of pharmaceutical products , supplements or herbal medicines.

ITD-Lab analyzes synthetic, phytotherapeutic and other molecules of natural origin, studying their biomolecular mechanisms and potential pharmacological interactions. Therefore, the company focuses on licensing its products to other companies and developing new products upon request.

Given the experience in the sector and the notable development that the cannabis market for therapeutic use is having, ITD-Lab currently carries out various research investigating the biological effects and the various interactions of different phytocannabinoids with chemotherapeutic, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory drugs, both in oncological and chronic inflammation. In summary, we study phytotherapeutic and non-phytotherapeutic products at a biological level to analyze and improve their effectiveness in immune, inflammatory and oncological pathologies.


Validation of potential product applications

Develop and validate pre-clinical models for specific pathologies, using new technologies (in vivo imaging, high-throughput screening, 3D cell culture models, microfluidics).

Develop and/or validate new integrated compositions for specific pathologies;

Develop and/or validate integrated therapies with reduced toxicity and fewer adverse effects, compared to standard therapies, evaluating the synergistic effects of selected phytotherapeutics in combination with standard drugs.

Development of trade secret formulations and products

The research center's business model is B2B, focused on the development of services and patents. Develop and validate, through recognized pre-clinical models, the potential applications of use of phytotherapeutic products or food supplements, validating the possible use with specific health indications. A second objective is to develop new phyto-therapeutic compositions/food supplements, not present on the market, through experiments that allow us to identify the biological processes that are modulated by specific phyto-therapeutic/food supplements and consequently validate specific applications of use.

Third party service

Validate or study molecules or extracts in preclinical models.

Develop new preclinical models for the validation of molecules or extracts.

Patent development and sale

Thanks to the collaboration with international patent offices and experts in the pharmaceutical sector, ITD-Lab offers the possibility of developing research for patent purposes.

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ITD-Lab is able to follow the various phases of the experimentation applying preclinical in vitro models (cell cultures, 3D models, spheroids), vivo models (orthotopic or subcutaneous xenografts in guinea pigs), up to the organization of clinical studies.

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